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Condenser Refurbishment Program

Powerfect can eliminate condenser leaks due to old plug failures as well as restore efficiency by returning effective surface area to service. 


Our Process Includes:

bullet Removal of old plugs
bullet Testing of tubes individually
bullet Failed tubes are plugged with reliable Powerfect plugs
bullet Unfailed tubes are returned to service, improving overall plant efficiency


If desired, all of our results can be digitally stored using our Tubesheet Map Program 


This process can be done incrementally, and along with condenser tube cleaning, tube extraction for failure cause analysis and Condenser Tube Fouling Monitoring, establishes a complete life-cycle management maintenance program for your condensers!



Read About A Northeast utility experience with the Powerfect condenser plugs: 


Blackout 2003 - Don't Get Caught With Your Plants Down!



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1133D Industrial Pkwy, Brick, NJ 08724  (732) 202-1133